

AgrifoodTEF provides innovators with the validation tools needed to bridge the gap between their brightest ideas and successful products on the market.




AgrifoodTEF provides innovators with the validation tools needed to bridge the gap between their brightest ideas and successful products on the market.

Building bridges between innovative ideas and practical market solutions is essential in agricultural innovation.  In this way, AgrifoodTEF brings together a wide range of services through its network of physical and digital facilities established in Europe to evaluate and validate AI and robotics solutions of European companies.

AgrifoodTEF offers services that evaluate and validate third solutions in real-world conditions to maximise the agricultural sector's digitalisation impact. The services made available by the project are aimed at companies working in industries ranging from primary production (arable crops, fruit trees, vegetables, meadows, etc.), to livestock and food processing.

The services proposed by TSCF - AgroTechnoPôle via AgrifoodTEF are designed to support implementing the European "Machinery and Related Products" Regulation published on 14 June 2023. The regulation introduces using Artificial Intelligence in agricultural equipment, in the so-called "high-risk" safety devices that will require validation by a third-party organisation.

AgrifoodTEF enables companies (start-ups, SMEs) to benefit from favourable conditions covering the costs of test services for the qualification of robotic devices incorporating Artificial Intelligence modules.

Among others, AgrifoodTEF offers:

  • Access to a pool of infrastructure to develop/test/evaluate solutions including AI modules.
  • Access to data sets for learning or validation of their solutions

Project duration: 5 years, started February 2023.

Contact AgroTechnoPôle – TSCF:  ADRIANA SANCHEZ