Directeur de recherche
Analyse et modélisation de l’environnement,
IoT pour une observation sobre de l’environnement

TSCF Lab, deputy director

COPAIN team leader (2014-2024)

Complete list of publications on HAL


Selection of projects



Editorial activities

International Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Information Systems (IGI Publishing – USA). Impact factor : 1.4 (journal citation report 2023 : Editors-in-chief with Petraq Papajorgji, from Jan. 2010 to Dec. 2020. Journal indexed by Web of Science, Scopus, DBLP.

Editorial board member of the International Journal of Digital Earth (Taylor & Francis)

Associate Editor of the International Journal of Information System Modeling and Design (IGI Global - USA)

Editorial board member of the International Journal of Geomatics and Spatial Analysis - Revue internationale de géomatique (Lavoisier

PC chair of SAGEO 2021, PC member of the CloudTech'23 (The 6thInternational Conference on Cloud Computing  and Artificial Intelligence: Technologies and Applications), PC member of the International Conference on Decision Support System Technologies (ICDSST 2015-2024), PC member of the International Conference on Spatial Analysis and GEOmatics 2007-2016, 2019-2025, PC member of EDA (2010-2021, 2023), International Conference of ICT For Adapting Agriculture To Climate Change (2017-2019), PC member of the 10th International Conference on Ecological Informatics (2018, Germany), PC member of the International Workshop on Reasoning on Data @ The Web 2018 (Lyon, France), PC member of the International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management in Mediterranean Countries (2015-2017), PC member of the International Conference on Advances in System Simulation (2013-2019), Co-organizer of the Workshop "ICT to help on participatory approaches for the agroecological transition of agriculture" (12th European IFSA Symposium, 2016, UK), PC member of the 7th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies in Agriculture, Food and Environment (HAICTA 2013, 2015, 2017), PC member of the 9th International Symposium on Spatial Data Quality 2015 (@ ISPRS Geospatial week 2015 - La Grande Motte - France), PC member of the International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems and their Applications (2014 - Tirana), PC member of the AnaEnv Workshop 2014 (France), PC member of the international symposium on Digital Earth (2013 - Malaysia), PC member of EWG-DSS 2013 (Thessaloniki), PC member of AIDE-EGC 2012, 2013 (France), PC member of ECOTECHS 2013 (France), PC member of the ACM Symposium On Applied Computing (SAC) –Track on Advances in Spatial and Image-based Information Systems (2011, 2012), PC member of Inforsid in 2012, 2013, 2014, 2017 (France), PC member of the International Workshop on Geographical Analysis, Urban Modeling, Spatial Statistics - International Conference on Computational Science and its Applications (ICCSA) in 2010 (Fukuoka – Japan), PC chair, Co-organizer of the 7th French-speaking workshop on Data Warehousing and On-line Analysis (EDA - Clermont-Ferrand) in 2011, PC member of the Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial (FOSS4G) in 2009 (Sydney), PC member of 5th International Conference on Signal-Image Technology & Internet-Based Systems (SITIS - Track Web-Based Information Technologies & Distributed Systems) in 2009 (Marrakech), PC member of the International Conference of Agricultural Engineering (Brazil) in 2008, Co-organizer of the international workshop « Modeling Agricultural Systems using an MDA Approach » (AFITA 2006 – Bangalore), PC member of the 4th workshop on Decisional Systems (ASD) in 2009 (Jijel - Algeria), PC member of the 5th workshop on Decisional Systems (ASD) in 2011 (Tunisia), Organization comitte member of the International Conference on Spatial Analysis and GEOmatics 2007 (Clermont-Ferrand), Co-organizer of the French workshop on Information Systems for Environment (SIDE – 2008, 2009, 2010), Co-organizer of the French workshop AgriUML (2006 - Clermont-Ferrand), etc.


2002: Phd in Computer Science [Thèse de doctorat (PhD) en informatique]  - INSA Lyon

1997:   Master in Computer Science and Modelling [Magistère Informatique et Modélisation] - ENS Lyon. Master in Computer Science [DEA Informatique de Lyon] - Université Lyon


Supervision of PhD Students

Dec 2004 – Nov 2007 : Magali Duboisset, « Un système de contraintes d’intégrité OCL pour les bases de données spatiales : application à un système d’information pour l’épandage agricole ». Thèse encadrée par F.Pinet, M.Schneider.

Jan 2006 – Mai 2009 : Lotfi Bejaoui, « Qualitative topological relationships for objects with possibly vague shapes: implications on the specification of topological integrity constraints in transactional spatial databases and in spatial data warehouses ». Co-tutelle avec l'Univ. Laval, Québec (Y. Bédard) et l'Univ Blaise Pascal (F.Pinet, M.Schneider).

Oct 2009 - Oct 2012 : Kamal Boulil, « Une Approche Automatisée basée sur des Contraintes d'Intégrité définies en UML et OCL pour la Vérification de la Cohérence Logique dans les Systèmes SOLAP - Applications dans le domaine agri-environnemental ». Thèse encadrée par S.Bimonte, F.Pinet.

Avril 2010 - Juin 2013 : Guillaume Barbier, « Contribution de l'ingénierie dirigée par les modèles à la conception de modèles grande culture ». Thèse CIFRE avec la société ITK. Travaux encadrées au niveau académique par D.Hill, F.Pinet.

Dec 2011 - Janv 2015 : Mehdi Zaamoune, « Intégration et optimisation des grilles régulières de points dans une architecture SOLAP relationnelle ». Thèse encadrée au niveau académique par S. Bimonte, M.A. Kang, F. Pinet.

Nov 2011 - Mars 2015 : Haizhou Li, « Modeling and Verification of Probabilistic Data-aware Business Processes ». Thèse encadrée par F. Toumani, F.Pinet

Sept 2011 - Avril 2015 : Elodie Edoh-Alove, « Handling spatial vagueness issues in SOLAP datacubes by introducing a risk-aware approach in their design ». Co-tutelle co-dirigée par l'Univ. Laval, Québec (Y. Bédard) et Irstea (S.Bimonte, F.Pinet).

Février 2016 - Fév 2021 : Laure Vidaud-Barral, « Vers une démarche de conception de systèmes d’information pour la traçabilité des données : application au processus d’expertise des risques naturels en montagne ». Thèse encadrée par J.M. Tacnet, F.Pinet.

Oct 2016 - Juin 2021 : Driss En-Nejjari, « Des approches séquentielles et parallèles pour l’amélioration des performances des sélections et des agrégations des données rasters ». Thèse encadrée par F.Pinet, M.A. Kang.

Fév. 2020 - Juin 2023 : Thi Thu Trang NGO, « Vers de nouvelles méthodes pour l’intégration et l’interrogation des données spatiales appliquées au Cloud Environnemental au Bénéfice de l’Agriculture (CEBA) ». Thèse encadrée par F.Pinet, D. Sarramia, M.A. Kang.

Juin 2024 - ... : Tidenek Fekadu KORE, «  Amélioration des traitements des requêtes dans les lacs de données en prenant en compte la consommation énergétique ». Thèse encadrée par F.Pinet, D. Sarramia, M.A. Kang.

Nov. 2024 - ... : Paul Rosaz, «  Autonomie décisionnelle d’un vecteur aérien à voilure tournante pour la manipulation de nœuds capteurs communicants en milieu naturel ». Thèse encadrée par F.Pinet, C.Cariou, L. AlBassit, N. Bouton.



Complete list of publications on HAL

Journals (63)

  • SOULIGNAC, V., PINET, F., BODELET, M., GROSS, H. – 2024. The use of digital social media in agriculture. To appear ni: International Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Information Systems, 14 p.
  • NGO, T., , PINET, F, SARRAMIA, D, KANG, M.A. - 2024. A Mediation System for Continuous Spatial Queries on a Unified Schema Using Apache Spark. Big Earth Data, Taylor & Francis, 8(1), 115-141.
  • CARIOU, C., MOIROUX-ARVIS, L., PINET, F., CHANET, J.P. – 2023. Evolutionary Algorithm with Geometrical Heuristics for Solving the Close Enough Traveling Salesman Problem: Application to the Trajectory Planning of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, Algorithms 2023, 16(1).
  • SOULIGNAC, V., PINET, F., BODELET, M., GROSS, H. – 2023. What lessons can be learned for the agroecological transition from the use of social media in preventive medicine? International Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Information Systems, 14(1), 28 p.
  • NGO, T., SARRAMIA, D, KANG, M.A., PINET, F - 2023. A New Approach Based on ELK Stack for the Analysis and Visualisation of Geo-Referenced Sensor Data. Springer Nature Computer Science, 4(3), 21 p.
  • CARIOU, C., MOIROUX-ARVIS, L., PINET, F., CHANET, J.P. – 2023.Internet of Underground Things in Agriculture 4.0: Challenges, Applications and Perspectives, Sensors, 2023, 23(1).
  • CARIOU, C., MOIROUX-ARVIS, L., PINET, F., CHANET, J.P. – 2022. Data Collection from Buried Sensor Nodes by Means of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle. Sensors 22, Special issue on "IoT Based Environmental Monitoring Systems", vol. 22(15), 21 p.
  • PINET, F. – 2022. Brief Report on the Advanced use of Prolog for Data Warehouses. to appear in: Applied Sciences, vol. 12(21), section Computing and Artificial Intelligence, 11 p.
  • EN-NEJJARY, D., PINET, F., KANG, M. – 2021. Spatial Data Sequence Selection Based on a User-Defined Condition using GPGPU. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information vol. 10(12), 816, 19 p.
  • SAKKA, A., BIMONTE, S., PINET, F., SAUTOT, L. – 2021. Volunteer Data Warehouse: State of Art. International Journal of Data Warehousing and Mining 17(3), 21 p.
  • SAKKA, A., BIMONTE, S., RIZZI, S., SAUTOT, L. PINET, F., BERTOLOTTOE, BESNARD, A., ROUILLIER, N.  – 2021. A Profile-Aware Methodological Framework for Collaborative Multidimensional Modeling. Data & Knowledge Engineering, vol.131-132, 23 p.
  • TOMASSONE, L., LAUGA, B., PINET, F. – 2021. Chaine de confiance : des données partagées en transparence et sécurité. Perspectives Agricoles n° 489, 2021, p.60-64
  • VIDAUD-BARRAL, L., PINET, F., TACNET, J.M., JOUSSELME, A.L. – 2020. Combining UML Profiles to Design Serious Games Dedicated to Trace Information in Decision Processes. International Journal of Information System Modeling and Design, vol.11(2), 1-27.
  • EN-NEJJARY, D., PINET, F., KANG, M. – 2019. Modeling and Computing Overlapping Aggregation of Large Data Sequences in Geographic Information Systems. International Journal of Information System Modeling and Design vol.10(1), 20-41.
  • SOULIGNAC, V., PINET, F., LAMBERT, E., GUICHARD, L., TROUCHE, L., AUBIN, S. – 2019. GECO, the French Web-based application for knowledge management in agroecology. Computers & Electronics in Agriculture vol. 162, 1050-1056.
  • SOULIGNAC, V., LEVEAU, L., PINET, F., BERGEZ, J.E. – 2019. Les technologies de l’information et de la communication dans la transition agroécologique. Sciences Eaux & Territoire 27, 58-61.
  • EN-NEJJARY, D., PINET, F., KANG, M. - 2018. A Method to Improve the Performance of Raster Selection Based on a User-defined Condition: an Example of Application for Agri-environmental Data. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing vol.893, 190-201.
  • ROUSSEY, C., BERNARD, S., PINET, F., REBOUD, X., CELLIER, V., SIVADON, I., SIMONNEAU, D., BOURIGAULT, A.L.  – 2017. A Methodology for the Publication of Agricultural Alert Bulletins as LOD. Computers & Electronics in Agriculture, vol. 142, Part B, p. 632-650.
  • SUN, J., DE SOUSA, G., ROUSSEY, C., CHANET, J.P., PINET, F., HOU, K.M. – 2016. Intelligent Flood Adaptive Context-aware System: How Wireless Sensors Adapt their Configuration based on Environmental Phenomenon Events. Sensors & Transducers Journal, vol. 206(11), p. 68-81.
  • BIMONTE, S., BOULIL, K., PINET, F.– 2016. Cohérence logique dans les systèmes OLAP spatiaux : un état de l’art. Revue Internationale de Géomatique, vol. 26(1),  97-131.
  • BOULIL, K., BIMONTE, S., PINET, F.– 2015. Conceptual Model for Spatial Data Cubes: A UML Profile and its Automatic Implementation. Computer Standards and  Interfaces, vol. 38, p. 113-132.
  • KANG, M.A., ZAAMOUNE, M., PINET, F., BIMONTE, S., BEAUNE, P. – 2015. Performance Optimization of Grid Aggregation in Spatial Data Warehouses. International Journal of Digital Earth, vol. 8(12), p. 970-988.
  • EDOH-ALOVE, E., BIMONTE, PINET, F.– 2015. An UML profile and SOLAP datacubes multidimensional schemas transformation process for datacubes risk-aware design. International Journal of Data Warehousing and Mining, vol.11(4), p. 64-83.
  • LI, H., PINET, F., TOUMANI, F. - 2015. Towards the use of probabilistic spatial relation databases in business process modeling. International Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Information Systems, vol.6(3), p. 50-62.
  • EDOH-ALOVE, E., BIMONTE, S., BEDARD, Y., PINET, F.– 2015. New Design Approach to Handle Spatial Vagueness in Spatial OLAP Datacubes: Application to Agri-environmental Data. International Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Information Systems, vol.6(3), p. 29-49.
  • LI, H., PINET, F., TOUMANI, F. - 2014. Test de simulation pour les processus métier centrés données probabilistes. Revue Ingénierie des Systèmes d'Information, vol. 19(4), p. 35-60.
  • EDOH-ALOVE, E., BIMONTE, S., BEDARD, Y., PINET, F.- 2014. A Hybrid Risk-Aware Design Method for Spatial Datacubes Handling Spatial Vague Data: Implementation and Validation. International Journal of Business Intelligence and Data Mining vol.9(3), p. 210-232.
  • BOULIL, K., BIMONTE, S., PINET, F.– 2014. Spatial OLAP Integrity Constraints: From UML-Based Specification to Automatic Implementation - Application to Energetic Data in Agriculture. Journal of Decision Systems vol.23(4), p 460-480.
  • LI, H., PINET, F., TOUMANI, F. - 2014. Probabilistic Simulation for Probabilistic Data-Aware Business Processes. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 8370, p. 503 - 515.
  • PINET, F., PAPAJORGJI, P. – 2014. Research in Agricultural and Environmental Information Systems. International Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Information Systems, vol. 5(2), p. 1-19.
  • VERNIER, F., MIRALLES, A., PINET, F., GOUY, V., CARLUER, N., MOLLA, G., PETIT, K. - 2013. EIS Pesticides: an Environmental Information System to Characterize Agricultural Activities and Calculate Agro-environmental Indicators at Embedded Watershed Scales. Agricultural Systems, vol. 122, p. 11-21.
  • BOULIL, K., PINET, F., BIMONTE, S., CARLUER, N., LAUVERNET, C., CHEVIRON, B., MIRALLES, A., CHANET, J.P. - 2013. Guaranteeing the Quality of Multidimensional Analysis in Data Warehouses of Simulation Results: Application to Pesticide Transfer Data Produced by the MACRO Model. Ecological Informatics vol. 16, p. 41–52.
  • MAHBOUBI, H., BIMONTE, S., DEFFUANT, G., CHANET, J.P., PINET, F.– 2013. Semi-Automatic Design of Spatial Data Cubes from Simulation Model Results. International Journal of DataWarehousing and Mining vol. 9(1), p. 70-95.
  • BARBIER, G., CUCCHI, V., PINET, F., HILL, D. – 2013. Domain-Specific Modeling for a Crop Model Factory. International Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Information Systems, vol. 4(2), p 37-49.
  • ROUSSEY, C., PINET, F., SCHNEIDER, M. – 2013. Representations of Topological Relations between Simple Regions in Description Logics: from Formalization to Consistency Checking. International Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Information Systems, vol. 4(2), p. 50-69.
  • BOULIL, K., BIMONTE, S., PINET, F.– 2012. Un cadre conceptuel basé sur UML et Spatial OCL pour la définition des contraintes d’intégrité dans les systèmes SOLAP. N° spécial « 8ème journées francophones sur les Entrepôts de Données et l'Analyse en ligne (EDA 2012) ». Revue des Nouvelles Technologies de l'Information, 15 pages.
  • PINET, F.– 2012. Entity-Relationship and Object-Oriented Formalisms for Modeling Spatial Environmental Data. Environmental Modelling & Software vol.33, p. 80-91.
  • PINET, F., KANG, M.A., BOULIL, K., BIMONTE, S., DE SOUSA, G., ROUSSEY, C., SCHNEIDER, M.,CHANET, J.P. – 2011. Using OCL to Model Constraints in Data Warehouses. International Journal of Technology Diffusion, vol.2(3), p.36-46.
  • BOULIL, K., BIMONTE, S., PINET, F.– 2011. Un modèle UML et des contraintes OCL pour les entrepôts de données spatiales : de la représentation conceptuelle à l'implémentation. Revue Ingénierie des Systèmes d'Information, vol.16(6), p. 11-39.
  • PINET, F., DUBOISSET, M., SCHNEIDER, M. - 2011. Modelling Spatial Integrity Constraints with OCL. Revue Internationale de Géomatique, vol. 21, special issue 2011, p. 95-123.
  • BELLAHSENE, Z., BENBERNOU, S., JAUDOIN, H., PINET, F., PIVERT, O., TOUMANI, F. – 2010. FORUM: A Flexible Data Integration System Based on Data Semantics. Sigmod Record, vol. 39(2), ACM Press, p. 11-18.
  • BIMONTE, S., TCHOUNIKINE, A., MIQUEL, M., PINET, F.– 2010. When Spatial Analysis Meets OLAP: Multidimensional Model and Operators. International Journal of DataWarehousing and Mining, vol. 6(4), p. 33-60.
  • BIMONTE, S., SCHNEIDER, M., MAHBOUBI, H., PINET, F., CHANET, J.P. – 2010. Merging Spatial Data Cubes Using the GIS Overlay Operator. Journal of Decision Systems, vol. 19(3), p. 261-290.
  • MAHBOUBI, H., FAURE, T., BIMONTE, S., DEFFUANT, G., CHANET, J.P., PINET, F.- 2010. A Multidimensional Model for Data Warehouses of Simulation Results. International Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Information Systems, vol. 1(2), p. 1-19.
  • BEJAOUI, L., PINET, F., SCHNEIDER, M., BEDARD, Y. - 2010. OCL for formal modelling of topological constraints involving regions with broad boundaries. GeoInformatica, vol. 14(3), p. 353-378.
  • PINET, F., SCHNEIDER M. - 2010. Precise design of environmental data warehouses. Operational Research, vol. 10(3), p. 349-369.
  • PAPAJORGJI, P., PINET, F., MIRALLES, A., JALLAS, E., PARDALOS, P. - 2010. Modeling: a central activity for flexible information systems development in agriculture and environment. International Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Information Systems, vol. 1(1), p. 1 – 25.
  • BOULIL, K., BIMONTE, S., MAHBOUBI, H., PINET, F.- 2010. Vers la définition des contraintes d'intégrité d'entrepôts de données spatiales avec OCL. N° spécial « 6ème journées francophones sur les Entrepôts de Données et l'Analyse en ligne (EDA 2010) ». Revue des Nouvelles Technologies de l'Information N° B-6, p. 121-136.
  • PINET, F.– 2010. Un point sur les formalismes ER et OO pour les systèmes d’information spatiale. Revue Internationale de Géomatique, vol. 20(4), p. 399-428.
  • MIRALLES, A., PINET, F., BEDARD, Y - 2010. Describing Spatio-Temporal Phenomena for Environmental System Development: An Overview of Today’s Needs and Solutions. International Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Information Systems, vol. 1(2), p. 68-84.
  • PINET, F., SCHNEIDER, M. - 2009. A unified object constraint model for designing and implementing multidimensional systems. Journal of Data Semantics, vol. 13, p.37 - 71.
  • BEJAOUI, L., PINET, F., BEDARD, Y., SCHNEIDER, M. - 2009. Qualified topological relations between spatial objects with possibly vague shape. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, vol. 23(7), p. 877 - 921.
  • PINET, F., DUBOISSET, M., SCHNEIDER, M. - 2009. Modélisation de contraintes d'intégrité spatiales avec OCL. Revue Internationale de Géomatique, vol.19(1), p. 93 - 122.
  • PINET, F., SCHNEIDER, M. - 2008. A semantic language for querying anonymous web sources. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 5178  p. 106 - 116.
  • BEJAOUI, L., PINET, F., SCHNEIDER, M., BEDARD, Y. - 2008. An adverbial approach for the formal specification of topological constraints involving regions with broad boundaries. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 5231, p. 383 - 396.
  • DUBOISSET, M., PINET, F., KANG, M.A., SCHNEIDER, M. - 2007. A general framework to implement topological relations on composite regions. Lecture notes in computer science, vol. 4653, p. 823 - 833.
  • PINET, F.- 2007. Book Review of Software Engineering Techniques Applied to Agricultural Systems: an Object-Oriented and UML Approach. Optimization Methods and Software, vol. 22(2), p. 361-363.
  • PINET, F., DUBOISSET, M., SOULIGNAC, V. - 2007. Using UML and OCL to maintain the consistency of spatial data in environmental information systems. Environmental Modelling & Software, vol. 22(8), p. 1217 - 1220.
  • HASENOHR, P., PINET, F.- 2006. Modeling of a spatial DSS template in support to the Common Agricultural Policy. Journal of Decision Systems, vol. 15(2), p. 181 – 196.
  • DUBOISSET, M., PINET, F., KANG, M.A., SCHNEIDER, M. - 2005. Precise modeling and verification of topological integrity constraints in spatial databases: from an expressive power study to code generation principles. Lecture notes in computer science, vol. 3716, p. 465 - 482.
  • PINET, F., KANG, M.A., VIGIER, F. - 2005. Spatial constraint modelling with a GIS extension of UML and OCL: application to agricultural information systems. Lecture notes in computer science, vol. 3511, p. 160 - 178.
  • PINET, F., LBATH, A., VIGIER, F., SCHNEIDER, M. - 2003. Conception de systèmes d`information à référence spatiale (SIRS) communicants pour les agrosystèmes. Ingénieries – Eau, Agriculture, Territoires, n° spécial Technologies pour les agrosystèmes durables, p. 143 - 155.
  • PINET, F., LBATH A. - 2001. Semantics of Stereotypes for Type Specification in UML: Theory and Practice. Lecture notes in computer science, vol. 2224, p. 339 - 353.


Editions (22)

  • PINET, F. (ed.), BATTON-HUBERT, M. (ed.), DESJARDIN, E. (ed.) - 2024. Geographic Data Imperfection 2 - Use cases, ISTE/Wiley.
  • PINET, F. (ed.), BATTON-HUBERT, M. (ed.), DESJARDIN, E. (ed.) - 2024. L'imperfection des données géographiques 2 - Cas d'utilisation, ISTE.
  • PINET, F. (ed.), JOSSELIN, D., BOUJU, A. - 2022. N° spécial "Vers de nouvelles avancées en géomatique", Revue Internationale de Géomatique.
  • DAVOINE, P.A., JOSSELIN, D., PINET, F.. Actes de la 16ème Conférence SAGEO. Spatial Analysis and GEOmatics, France. 2021. 315 pages.
  • LARDON, S., PINET, F. (ed.) - 2021. N° spécial "Transition territoriale pour l’agriculture et l’alimentation de demain - SAGEO 2019" de la Revue Internationale de Géomatique.
  • BATTON-HUBERT, M. (ed.), DESJARDIN, E. (ed.), PINET, F. (ed.) - 2019. L'imperfection des données géographiques 1 - bases théoriques, ISTE. 222 pages.
  • BATTON-HUBERT, M. (ed.), DESJARDIN, E. (ed.), PINET, F. (ed.) - 2019. Geographic Data Imperfection 1 - From Theory to Application, ISTE/Wiley.
  • PAPAJORGJI, P. (ed.), PINET, F.(ed.) - 2018. Innovations and Trends in Environmental and Agricultural Informatics, IGI Global. 340 pages.
  • PINET, F.(ed.), BIMONTE, S. (ed.), MIRALLES, A. (ed.), LE BER, F. (ed.) - 2015. Special issue on "Agro-environmental decision support systems". Ecological Informatics vol. 30, Elsevier, p.327-396.
  • PAPAJORGJI, P. (ed.), PINET, F.(ed.), GUIMARAES, A. (ed.), PAPATHANASIOU, J. (ed.) - 2015. Automated Enterprise Systems for Maximizing Business Performance, IGI Global. 313 pages.
  • T. LIBOUREL, A. MIRALLES, PINET, F.(ed.) - 2015. N° Spécial "Systèmes d’Information pour l’Environnement - Nouvelles Avancées". Revue Ingénierie des Systèmes d'Information vol.20(3), Lavoisier.
  • PINET, F.(ed.), BIMONTE, S. (ed.), MIRALLES, A. (ed.), FLOUVAT, F. (ed.) - 2015. Special issue on "Information and Decision Support Systems for Agriculture and Environment". Ecological Informatics vol. 26, Part 2, p.117-230, Elsevier.
  • PAPAJORGJI, P. (ed.), PINET, F.(ed.) - 2014. Special Issue Celebrating the 4th Anniversary of the International Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Information Systems. International Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Information Systems vol. 5(2), IGI Global.
  • BIMONTE, S. (ed.), PINET, F.(ed.), MIRALLES, A. (ed.), PAPAJORGJI, P. (ed.) - 2014. Special section on "Spatial Datawarehouse and SOLAP". GeoInformatica vol.18(2), Springer.
  • PAPAJORGJI, P. (ed.), PINET, F.(ed.) - 2012. New Technologies for Constructing Complex Agricultural and Environmental Systems, IGI Global. 436 pages.
  • BIMONTE, S. (ed.), PINET, F.(ed.) - 2012. N° Spécial "Conception des entrepôts de données: de l'implémentation à la restitution". Journal of Decision Systems vol.21(1), Taylor & Francis. 91 pages.
  • PINET, F.(ed.), MIRALLES, A. (ed.), BIMONTE, S. (ed.) - 2011. N° Spécial "Systèmes d'Information pour l'Environnement". Revue Ingénierie des Systèmes d'Information vol.16(3), Lavoisier. 139 pages.
  • BIMONTE, S. (ed.), PINET, F.(ed.) - 2011. Actes de la conférence EDA'2011. Revue des Nouvelles Technologies de l'Information B.7, Hermann. 186 pages.
  • BIMONTE, S. (ed.), MIRALLES, A. (ed.), PINET, F.(ed.) - 2010. Actes de l'atelier "Systèmes d'Information et de Décision pour l'Environnement" (SIDE 2010), associé au 28ème Congrès INFORSID, Marseille, 25 mai 2010. 103 pages
  • BIMONTE, S. (ed.), MIRALLES, A. (ed.), PINET, F.(ed.) - 2009. Actes de l'atelier "Systèmes d'Information et de Décision pour l'Environnement" (SIDE 2009), associé au 27ème Congrès INFORSID, Toulouse, 26 mai 2009. 105 pages
  • SCHNEIDER, M. (ed.), BATTON-HUBERT, M. (ed.), JOLIVEAU, T. (ed.), LARDON, S. (ed.), PINET, F.(ed.) - 2008. Ouvrage "Extraction et gestion de connaissances dans un contexte spatio-temporel : application à la géomatique pour la gestion des territoires". Cépaduès éditions, Toulouse, 218 p.
  • PINET, F.(ed.), MIRALLES, A. (ed.) - 2008. Actes de l'atelier "Systèmes d'Information et de Décision pour l'Environnement" (SIDE 2008), associé au 26ème Congrès INFORSID, Fontainebleau, 27 mai 2008. 84 pages


Book Chapters (24)

  • BATTON-HUBERT, M., PINET, F., MIRALLES, A. - 2024. Implementation and computation of fuzzy geographic objects in agriculture. Chapter in: Geographic Data Imperfection 2 - Use cases, ISTE/Wiley. 24 p.
  • BATTON-HUBERT, M., PINET, F., MIRALLES, A. - 2024. Implémentation et calculs d’objets géographiques flous en agriculture. Chapter in: L'imperfection des données géographiques 2 - Cas d'utilisation, ISTE. 24 p.
  • COLIZZI, L., CAIVANO, D., MOSHOU, D., CASTRIGNANO, A., KHOSLA, R., PINET, F., HOU, K.M., CHANET, J.P., ARDITO, C., HUI, G., SHI, S., DESOLDA, G., MATERA, M. - 2020. Introduction to Internet of Things (IoT) technologies for smart agriculture management. in: Agricultural Internet of Things and Decision Support for Smart Farming, Elsevier.
  • LEVEAU, L, BENEL, A., CAHIER, J.P., PINET, F., SALEMBIER, P., SOULIGNAC, V., BERGEZ, J.E. - 2019. ICT and the agroecological transition. Chapter in: Agroecological transitions: from theory to practice in local participatory design, 2019, 263-287, Springer.
  • PINET, F., BATTON-HUBERT, M., DESJARDIN, E. - 2019. Imperfection et information géographique. Chapter in: L'imperfection des données géographiques, 5-12, ISTE.
  • BATTON-HUBERT, M., PINET, F. - 2019. Formalismes et représentation des objets géographiques imparfaits. Chapter in: L'imperfection des données géographiques, 87-116, ISTE.
  • PINET, F., DE RUNZ, C. - 2019. Représentation des diagrammes d'objets géographiques imparfaits. Chapter in: L'imperfection des données géographiques, 117-125, ISTE.
  • BATTON-HUBERT, M., PINET, F. - 2019. Formalisms and Representations of Imperfect Geographic Objects. In: Geographic Data Imperfection 1, Wiley, 73-103.
  • PINET, F., BATTON-HUBERT, M., DESJARDIN, E. - 2019. Imperfection and Geographic Information. In: Geographic Data Imperfection 1, Wiley, 1-10.
  • PINET, F., DE RUNZ, C. - 2019.  Representing Diagrams of Imperfect Geographic Objects. Geographic Data Imperfection 1, Wiley, 105-112
  • LEVEAU, L, BENEL, A., CAHIER, J.P., PINET, F., SALEMBIER, P., SOULIGNAC, V., BERGEZ, J.E. - 2019. ICT and the agroecological transition. Chapter in: Agroecological transitions: from theory to practice in local participatory design, 2019, 263-287, Springer.
  • PINET, F., BATTON-HUBERT, M., DESJARDIN, E. - 2019. Imperfection et information géographique. Chapter in: L'imperfection des données géographiques, 5-12, ISTE.
  • BATTON-HUBERT, M., PINET, F. - 2019. Formalismes et représentation des objets géographiques imparfaits. Chapter in: L'imperfection des données géographiques, 87-116, ISTE.
  • PINET, F., DE RUNZ, C. - 2019. Représentation des diagrammes d'objets géographiques imparfaits. Chapter in: L'imperfection des données géographiques, 117-125, ISTE
  • PINET, F., CARLUER, N., LAUVERNET, C.,  CHEVIRON, B., BIMONTE, S., MIRALLES, A. - 2015. Storage of Simulation Result Data: A Database Perspective. Chapter in: Automated Enterprise Systems for Maximizing Business Performance, 2015, IGI-Global, p. 58-70.
  • KANG, M.A., PINET, F., BIMONTE, S., DE SOUSA, G., CHANET, J.P. - 2015. Use of Sensor Data Warehouse for Soil Moisture Analysis. Chapter in: Automated Enterprise Systems for Maximizing Business Performance, 2015, IGI-Global, p. 43-57.
  • BARBIER, G., CUCCHI, V., PINET, F., HILL, D. - 2013. CMF: a Crop Model Factory to Improve Scientific Models Development Process. Chapter in: Progressions and Innovations in Model-Driven Software Engineering, 2013, IGI-Global, p. 181-195.
  • ROUSSEY, C., PINET, F., KANG, M.A., CORCHO O. - 2011. An Introduction to Ontologies and Ontology Engineering. Chapter in: Ontologies in Urban Development Projects, Advanced Information and Knowledge Processing, 2011, Springer, p. 9-38.
  • ROUSSEY, C., PINET, F., KANG, M.A., CORCHO O. - 2011. Ontologies for interoperability. Chapter in: Ontologies in Urban Development Projects, Advanced Information and Knowledge Processing, 2011, Springer, p.39-53.
  • VISOLI, M., BIMONTE, S., TERNES, S., CHANET, J.P., PINET, F.– 2011. Towards a New Architecture for Spatial Decision Support System for Animals Traceability. Chapter in: Computational Methods Applied to Agricultural Research: Advances and Applications, IGI Global, p.389-411.
  • PINET, F., DUBOISSET, M., DEMUTH, B., SCHNEIDER, M., SOULIGNAC, V., BARNABE, F. - 2009. Constraints modeling in agricultural databases. Chapter in: Advances in Modeling Agricultural Systems, Springer, p.55-66.
  • PINET, F., ROUSSEY, C., BRUN, T., VIGIER, F. - 2009. The use of UML as a tool for the formalisation of standards and the design of ontologies in agriculture. Chapter in: Advances in Modeling Agricultural Systems, Springer, p.131-147.
  • VISOLI, M., TERNES, S., CHANET, J.P., PINET, F., BERNARD, S., DE SOUSA, G., MIRALLES, A. - 2009. OTAG information system. New tools for precision livestock management. IICA (Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture), p. 28 – 31.
  • VISOLI, M., TERNES, S., BIMONTE, S., PINET, F., CHANET, J.P. - 2009. Towards a spatial decision support system for animal traceability. New tools for precision livestock management, IICA (Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture), p. 38 – 41.


Conferences (73)

  • BIMONTE, S., BELLOCCHI, G., PINET, F., CHARRIER, G., SACHARIDIS, D., SAKR, M.A., TOURNIER, R., Gentian, et al. Technological and Research Challenges in Data Engineering for Sustainable Agriculture. BiDEDE@SIGMOD 2024, 7:1-7:6.
  • CARIOU, C., MOIROUX-ARVIS, L., PINET, F., CHANET, J.P. - 2023. Adaptive robot control based on Wireless Underground Sensor Network in Agriculture 4.0. The 5th International Conference on Computer Communication and the Internet (ICCCI), Fujisawa, Japan.
  • LENAIN, R., MEDICI, M., MARTINET, P., IGBIDA LABBANI, O., PATRICK, D.,, FAIZ BEN, A. PERROT, Y., FREMONT, V., MAAN EL BADAOUI EL, N. MEZOUAR Y., PRADALIER C., CHADLI, M., SIMONIN, O. CHAUMETTE, F., ROBUFFO GIORDANO, P., TOURNEBIZE, R., PINET, F., PRADEL, M., LANEURIT, J., SAUVEE, L., MALIS, E., ESCARENO JUAN, A., CADENAT, V., LUCET, E., HERY, E., CHAPUIS, R., ARAVECCHIA, S., SIDIBE D.  - 2023. NINSAR: New itineraries for agroecology using cooperative robots. WORLD FIRA 2023 - Forum international de la robotique agricole en action, Feb 2023, France, 2023
  • MOIROUX-ARVIS, L., CARIOU, C., PINET, F., CHANET, J.P. - 2022. CIDEA: Robot behavior adaptation from interactive communication with buried sensor nodes – Application to smart agriculture. 8th International conference on Machine Control & Guidance.
  • PINET, F - 2022. Quelques exemples d’améliorations des performances de traitement des données environnementales. 18ème conférence EDA, 5 pages.
  • NGO, T., SARRAMIA, D, KANG, M.A., PINET, F - 2021. An Analytical Tool for Georeferenced Sensor Data Based on ELK Stack. 7th International Conference on Geographical Information Systems Theory, Applications and Management (GISTAM 2021), 8 pages.
  • AUBIN, S., ADAM-BLONDON, A.F, ALAUX, M., BA M., BERNARD, S. BISQUERT P., BOSSY, R., BRUN, F., BUCHE, P., CASTELLTORT, A., CORBY, O., CUFFI, J., et al. - 2019. D2KAB project taking off: Data to Knowledge in Agronomy and Biodiversity. 14th RDA Plenary Meeting, Finland.
  • PINET F. – 2019. La programmation logique pour  les entrepôts de données spatiales. Conférence internationale de Géomatique et Analyse Spatiale (SAGEO 2019), Clermont-Ferrand, France
  • LAUGA B., BALVAY B., TOPART L., LECLAIRE J., CLENET A., BRUN F., PINET F., ROUSSEY, C., SINE M. – 2019. MULTIPASS : Managing the consents of access to farm data in a chain of trust to make new services emerge for farmers. Conference of the European Federation for Information Technology in Agriculture, Food and the Environment, 2019, Greece.
  • VIDAUD L., PINET F., TACNET J.-M. – 2019. UML-based Modelling of Information Systems for Serious Game Tracebility: Application to Decision Support for Avalanche Risk. EWG-DSS 5th International Conference on Decision Support System Technology, 27-29 May 2019, Madeira, Portugal.
  • BODELET, M., SOULIGNAC, V., PINET F. – 2019. Gestion des connaissances d'une communauté agricole. GeCSO 2019, Clermont-Ferrand, 6 p.
  • CROCE, L. LEMIERE, L., BIMONTE, S., PINET, F. – 2019. Une nouvelle méthodologie pour l'anonymisation des entrepôts de données spatiales : application aux données de biodiversité dans le contexte agricole. EDA 2019, France, p. 15-30.
  • VIDAUD L., TACNET J.-M., PINET F., PASQUIER X., ESCANDE S. – 2018. How Can Serious Gaming Help to Trace and Improve Snow Avalanche Expertise Process? An Innovative Methodology and Application to Roads Risk Management. International Snow Science Workshop 2018, Austria.
  • EN-NEJJARY, D., PINET, F., KANG, M. - 2018. Large-scale geo-spatial raster selection method based on a User-defined condition using GPGPU. 11th International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology, Paris, France, 8 p.
  • EN-NEJJARY, D., PINET, F., KANG, M. - 2018. A Method to Improve the Performance of Raster Selection Based on a User-defined Condition: an Example of Application for Agri-environmental Data. International Conference of ICT For Adapting Agriculture To Climate Change 2018, Columbia, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 190-201., Springer.
  • GAO, H., SHI, H., HOU, K.M., JIAN, D., PENG, Z., CONNIER, J., PINET, F., ZHOU, H., DIAO, X., DE VAULX, C., CHANET, J.P. - 2018. Interoperability and sensor integration for smart farming. In proceedings of "New and smart information communication science and technology to support sustainable development: France-China workshop 2018", Shiyan, China, 2018-   
  • PINET, F. - 2017. Agricultural and Environmental Information Systems. EKC 2017, Stokholm, Sweden.
  • SOULIGNAC, V., PINET, F., VALLAS, M., ERMINE, J.L. - 2016. Experiments on the use of knowledge management tools for agriculture. IFSA 2016, UK, 10 p.
  • VIDAUD-BARRAL, V., TACNET, J.M., PINET, F.- 2016. Modeling information quality and traceability in risk management and decision processes : application to mountain natural hazards. European Safety and Reliability Conference 2016, UK, 8 p.
  • ROUSSEY, C., BERNARD, S., PINET, F., REBOUD, X., CELLIER, V. - 2016. Gestion sémantique des bulletins de santé du végétal dans le projet Vespa. Atelier IN-OVIVE @IC 2016 , Montpellier, 12 p.
  • SUN, J., DE SOUSA, G., ROUSSEY, C., CHANET, J.P., PINET, F., HOU, K.M. - 2016. A New Formalisation for Wireless Sensor Network Adaptive Context-aware System:Application to an Environmental Use Case. SENSORCOMM, France, 7 p.
  • VIDAUD-BARRAL, V., TACNET, J.M., PINET, F.- 2016. Modéliser la traçabilité et qualité de l'information dans les processus d'expertise des risques naturels. Lambda-Mu. 20, Oct 2016, Saint-Malo, France. pp.5
  • LI, H., TOUMANI, F., PINET, F.- 2015. PRODUS: Probabilistic Data-aware Business Process Verification Framework. BDA 2015 (demo), France, 6 p.
  • EDOH-ALOVE, E., BIMONTE, S., PINET, F., BEDARD, Y. - 2013. Exploiting Spatial Vagueness in Spatial OLAP: Towards a New Hybrid Risk-Aware Design Approach. AGILE 2013, Belgium, 4 p.
  • ZAAMOUNE, M., BIMONTE, S., PINET, F., BEAUNE, P. - 2013. A New Relational Spatial OLAP Approach For Multi-resolution and Spatio-multidimensional Analysis of Incomplete Field Data. ICEIS 2013.
  • BIMONTE, S., BOULIL, K., PINET, F., KANG, M.A. - 2013. Design of Complex Spatio-multidimensional Models with the ICSOLAP UML Profile - An Implementation in MagicDraw. ICEIS  2013.
  • KANG, M.A., ZAAMOUNE, M., PINET, F., BIMONTE, S., BEAUNE, P. - 2013. Optimisation des performances des opérations d'agrégation au sein des entrepôts de grilles spatialisées. Conférence internationale de Géomatique et Analyse Spatiale (SAGEO 2013), Brest, France, 12 p.
  • EDOH-ALOVE, E., BIMONTE, S., PINET, F., BEDARD, Y. - 2013. Exploitation du vague spatial dans le SOLAP : vers une approche de conception prenant en compte les risques d’usage. Conférence internationale de Géomatique et Analyse Spatiale (SAGEO 2013), Brest, France.
  • ZAAMOUNE, M., BIMONTE, S., PINET, F., BEAUNE, P. - 2013. Intégration des données champs continus incomplets dans l'OLAP : de la modélisation conceptuelle à l'implémentation. EDA 2013.
  • LI, H., PINET, F., TOUMANI, F. - 2013. Probabilistic simulation for probabilistic data-aware business processes. BDA 2013.
  • BARBIER, G., FLUSIN, J., CUCCHI, V., PINET, F., HILL R.C. D. - 2012. Vine Model Design using a Domain Specific Modeling Language: Prototype & Proof of Concept. 26th European Simulation and Modelling Conference- ESM'2012, Germany, 7 p.
  • BOULIL, K., BIMONTE, S., PINET, F.- 2012. A UML & Spatial OCL based approach for handling quality issues in SOLAP systems . ICEIS 2012 14th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems 28-06-2012 - 01-07-2012, Wroclaw, POL. 6 p.
  • BOULIL, K., BIMONTE, S., PINET, F.- 2012. Un cadre conceptuel basé sur UML et Spatial OCL pour la définition des contraintes d’intégrité dans les systèmes SOLAP. 8èmes Journées francophones sur les Entrepôts de Données et l'Analyse en ligne, Juin 2012, Bordeaux, France. pp.15
  • JACQUOT, A., DE SOUSA, G., CHANET, J.P., PINET, F.- 2011. Réseau de capteurs sans fil pour le suivi de l'humidité du sol des vignes. Ecotech'11, France, 4 p.
  • BARBIER G., PINET, F., HILL R.C. D. - 2011. MDE in Action: First Steps Towards a Crop Model Factory. 25th European Simulation and Modelling Conference- ESM'2011, Portugal, 8 p.
  • MIRALLES, A. , PINET, F., CARLUER, N., VERNIER, F., BIMONTE, S., LAUVERNET, C., GOUY, V.   - 2011. EIS pesticide: an information system for data and knowledge capitalization and analysis. Euraqua-PEER Scientific Conference, Montpellier.
  • VERNIER, F., MIRALLES, A., PETIT, K., GOUY, V., CARLUER, N., PINET, F.- 2011. EIS pesticide: an innovative environmental information system to calculate agro-environmental indicators. Euraqua-PEER Scientific Conference, Montpellier.
  • ROUSSEY, C., PINET, F.- 2010. DL based automated consistency checking of spatial relationships. Conference SAGEO 2010, Toulouse, 15 p.
  • BOULIL, K., BIMONTE, S., MAHBOUBI, H., PINET, F.- 2010. Towards the Definition of Spatial Data Warehouses Integrity Constraints with Spatial OCL. ACM International Workshop On Data Warehousing and OLAP 2010 (DOLAP 2010), 5 p.
  • PINET, F., MIRALLES, A., BIMONTE, S., VERNIER, F., CARLUER, N., GOUY, V., BERNARD, S. - 2010. The use of UML to design agricultural data warehouses. International Conference on Agricultural Engineering, AGENG 2010, 10 p.
  • PINET, F., SCHNEIDER, M. - 2009. Les objets vagues et leur traitement dans une base de données spatiales ou un entrepôt de données spatiales. 34ème journée du Groupe Francophone d'Humidimétrie et des Transferts en Milieux Poreux (GFHN 2009), 25-26 Novembre 2009, Aix-en-Provence.
  • VISOLI, M., TERNES, S., PINET, F., CHANET, J.P., MIRALLES, A., BERNARD, S., DE SOUSA, G. - 2009. Computational architecture of OTAG project. European Conference for Information Technologies in Agriculture, EFITA 2009, 6-8 July 09, Wageningen, NLD.8 p.
  • VISOLI, M., TERNES, S., CHANET, J.P., PINET, F., MIRALLES, A., BERNARD, S., DE SOUSA, G. - 2009. A new information system for tracing geolocations of bovine cattle. Atelier Systèmes d'Information et de Décision pour l'Environnement (SIDE), INFORSID 2009, Toulouse. 10 p.
  • BEJAOUI, L., PINET, F., SCHNEIDER, M., BEDARD, Y - 2009. Qualitative topological relationships for objects with possibly vague shapes: implications on the specification of topological integrity constraints, International Symposium on Spatial Data Quality (ISSDQ-2009), July 5ht-8th, St-John's Newfoundland , Canada
  • BERTOLOTTO, M., BIMONTE, S., DI MARTINO, S., FERRUCCI, F., LEANO, V., PINET, F.- 2009. Vers l'Analyse Spatio-Multidimensionnelle à l'aide du geobrowser Google Earth. Actes du 27ème Congrès INFORSID, Toulouse, 26 mai 2009
  • KARA, M., HOU, K.M., CHANET, J.P., ZHOU, H.Y., KANG, M.A., PINET, F.- 2007. Low cost differential GPS receivers (LCD-GPS): a local cooperative differential GPS solution. 7ème Conférence Internationale sur les NOuvelles TEchnologies de la REpartition (NOTERE'07), Marrakech, MAR, 4-8 juin, 2007. 6 pages
  • DEVILLERS, R., BEDARD, Y., GERVAIS, M., JEANSOULIN, R., PINET, F., SCHNEIDER, M., BEJAOUI, L., LEVESQUE, M.A., SALEHI, M. , ZARGAR, A. - 2007. How to improve geospatial data usability: from metadata to quality-aware GIS community. AGILE Pre-Conference working group on spatial data usability, Aalborg , Denmark , DNK, 8 May 2007. 6 pages
  • DUBOISSET, M., PINET, F., SCHNEIDER, M. - 2007. P-OCLcbm: a language to specify topological constraints on composite regions: definition and comparison with TRCR. 1st International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science, Ouarzazate, MAR, 23-26 avril 2007. p. 373 - 378
  • BEJAOUI, L., BEDARD, Y., PINET, F., SAHELI, M., SCHNEIDER, M. - 2007. Logical consistency for vague spatiotemporal objects and relations. 5th International symposium on spatial data quality (ISSDQ 2007), Enschede, NLD, 13-15 June 2007. 8 pages
  • KARA, M., HOU, K.M., CHANET, J.P., ZHOU, H.Y., KANG, M.A., PINET, F.- 2006. Low cost differential GPS receivers (LCD-GPS): urban vehicle tracking. 5th IEEE International Information and Telecommunication Technologies Symposium (I2TS), Cuiabá , MT , Brazil , December 06-08, 2006 . 6 pages
  • PINET, F., VENTADOUR, P., BRUN, T., PAPAJORGJI, P., ROUSSEY, C., VIGIER, F. - 2006. Using UML for ontology construction: a case study in agriculture. 7th Agricultural Ontology Service (AOS) Workshop on Ontology-Based Knowledge Discovery: Using Metadata and Ontologies for Improving Access to Agricultural Information (in collaboration with AFITA 2006), Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore , India , 9-10 November 2006,  p. 735 - 739
  • DE SOUSA, G., CHANET, J.P., AMAMRA, A., HAO, J., KANG, M.A., PINET, F., HOU, K.M. - 2005. Protocole de communication sans fil dédié : Obstacle Location-Aided Routing. Journée Véhicule Intelligent de l'Ecole Doctorale Sciences pour l'Ingénieur de Clermont Ferrand, 27 juin 2005. 12 pages
  • HOU, K.M., CHANET, J.P., PINET, F., VIGIER, F., AUFRERE, R., ZHOU, H., DE SOUSA, G., AMAMRA, A., SCHNEIDER, M., KANG, A. M. - 2005. For an Inter Vehicle Communication System Intelligent: CIVIC. Colloque Société de l'information bilan du programme interdisciplinaire de recherche du CNRS 2001 - 2005,  19-20-21 mai 2005, Lyon. 9 pages
  • DUBOISSET, M., PINET, F., KANG, M.A., SCHNEIDER, M. - 2005. Integrating the calculus-based method into OCL: study of expressiveness and code generation. 2nd IEEE International DEXA Workshop on Geographic Information Management (GIM 2005), Copenhagen , DNK, 22-26 August 2005, pages 502 – 506
  • SOULIGNAC, V., GIBOLD, F., PINET, F., VIGIER, F. - 2005. Spreading matter management in France within Sigemo. 5th European Conference for Information Technologies in Agriculture (EFITA 2005), Vila Real, Portugal , 25-28 July 2005. 8 pages
  • HASENOHR, P., PINET, F., KAY, S., GRENIER, G., SEVILA, F. - 2005. A case-study based methodology for modeling of spatial DSS using Spatial OCL . Joint Workshop on Decision Support Systems, Experimental Economics & e-Participation (GRAZ 2005), AUT, June 2005. 2 pages
  • VIGIER, F., CHANET, J.P., PINET, F., BOFFETY, D. - 2005. Mobilisation et gestion des informations liées aux pratiques agricoles : systèmes d`information à référence spatiale partagés et moyens de communication interopérables. Comptes-rendus de l'Académie d'Agriculture de France, vol. 91, n° 3 ( séance du 18 mai 2005), 8 pages
  • PINET, F., VIGIER, F., LBATH, A. - 2004. Un formalisme adapté aux géomaticiens pour décrire la distribution et les échanges de données au sein des systèmes télégéomatiques. 5ème séminaire REGLIS Mise en place de systèmes d`information à références spatiales (SIRS), Montpellier, 13-14 novembre 2003. p. 127 - 139
  • CHANET, J.P., JAUDOIN, H., DUBOISSET, M., PINET, F.- 2004. Information systems technologies for sustainable management: a global approach. AGENG'2004, Leuven , BEL, 11-15 September 2004. 8 pages
  • KANG, M.A., PINET, F., SCHNEIDER, M., CHANET, J.P., VIGIER, F. - 2004. How to design geographic database? Specific UML profile and spatial OCL applied to wireless Ad Hoc networks. 7th Conference on Geographic Information Science (AGILE'2004), Heraklion, GRC, April 29-May 1 2004. p. 289 - 299
  • PINET, F., KANG, M.A., JAUDOIN, H. - 2004. Link between the whole et its parts in UML representations of spatial aggregations: an application in the context of geographic databases. 7th Conference on Geographic Information Science (AGILE'2004) , Heraklion, GRC, April 29-May 1 2004. p. 523 - 532
  • SOULIGNAC, V., PINET, F., GIBOLD, F. - 2004. Note sur SIGEMO : Système Informatisé de Gestion des Epandages de Matières organiques. Congrès CASSINI 2004, Grenoble, 2-4 juin 2004. 2 pages
  • CHANET, J.P., BOFFETY, D., LI, J., PINET, F., GERBE, P., SCHNEIDER, M., VIGIER, F., HOU, K.M. - 2003. Ad Hoc network for agriculture. 4th EFITA Conference, Debrecen-Budapest, HUN, 5-9 July 2003. 1 page
  • PINET, F., LBATH, A. - 2003. Object-Oriented Modelling of Communicating GIS-based Applications. 6th AGILE European Conference on Geographic Information Science, Lyon, 24-26 avril 2003. p. 743 – 750
  • PINET, F., LBATH A. - 2001. An Algorithm for Stereotype Deduction in UML-Based Formalism and its Application in Geographic Information Systems. In: Proceedings of IEEE Symposium on Visual/Multimedia Approaches to Programming and Software Engineering (Human Centric Computing’2001), Stresa , Italy , September 2001. p. 339-353
  • PINET, F., LBATH Ahmed - 2001. Des Applications Télégéomatiques Multi-Architectures pour Internet/Intranet/Extranet. Actes de CASSINI 2001 « Géomatique et Espace Rural », Montpellier, France, Septembre 2001. p. 287-288
  • LBATH A., PINET, F.- 2000. The Development and Customization of GIS-Based Applications and Web-Based GIS Applications with the CASE Tool AIGLE. In: Proceedings of the 8th ACM Symposium on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (ACM GIS'2000), Washinghton D.C , USA , November 2000. p. 194-196
  • PINET, F., LBATH A. - 2000. A Visual Modelling Language for Distributed Geographic Information Systems. In: Proceedings of the 16th IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages (VL'2000), Seattle , Washinghton , USA , September 2000. p. 75-76
  • LBATH A., PINET, F.- 2000. Automatic Generation of Geographic Urban Applications for the Web with the CASE Tool AIGLE. In: Proceedings of the 22nd Symposium on Urban and Regional Data Management (UDMS'2000), Netherlands , September 2000. Theme II, p.35-39
  • LBATH Ahmed, PINET, F.- 2000. Towards Conceptual Modelling of TeleGeoProcessing Applications. In: Proceedings of the 2nd Symposium on TeleGeoProcessing (TeleGeo'2000), Nice, France , May 2000. p. 25-39
  • PINET, F., LBATH Ahmed - 2000. An Extension of the CASE Tool AIGLE for Web-Based GIS Applications. In: Proceedings of the 2nd Symposium on TeleGeoProcessing (TeleGeo'2000), Nice, France , May 2000. p. 41-51
  • PINET, F., LBATH Ahmed - 2000. AIGLE: a CASE Tool for Web-Based GIS Applications. In: Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Emerging Technologies for Geo-Based Applications (ASCONA'2000), Ascona, Switzerland, May 2000.  p. 77-101
  • BOULICAUT Jean-François, MARCEL Patrick, PINET, F., RIGOTTI Christophe - 1998. Spreadsheet Generation from Rule-Based Specifications. In: Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Deductive Database and Logic Programming (DDLP' 98), Manchester , UK , June 1998. p. 59-70

Thesis - HDR, PhD, Master (3)

  • PINET, F.- 2010. Modélisation des contraintes d'intégrité dans les systèmes d'information environnementaux. Mémoire d'HDR, le 1er avril 2010, Université Blaise Pascal. 110 pages
  • PINET, F.- 2002. Vers une Méthode de Conception pour la TéléGéomatique : Intégration et Validation au sein d'un Atelier de Développement. Mémoire de thèse de doctorat (PhD), le 7 octobre 2002, LISI INSA Lyon. 254 pages
  • PINET, F.- 1997. Analyse Statique d'un Langage de Requêtes sous Contraintes. Mémoire de stage de DEA, juillet 1997, LISI INSA Lyon. 31 pages